Technopark “Slava” in the ranking of the best Russian technology parks

The most efficient technology parks of this year were named by the Association of Clusters, Technology Parks and Special Economic Zones (SEZ) of Russia. The presentation of the rating took place at the forum "Innovation Infrastructure: 10 Years of Moscow Technoparks".

This year, the rating includes 33 technoparks from 21 regions of Russia. The infrastructure sites in Moscow, the Samara Region and the Perm Territory demonstrated the highest efficiency.

In total, 42 technoparks operate in Moscow, and seven are under construction. They house more than two thousand industries and employ about 70 thousand people.

“Moscow technoparks traditionally top the all-Russian rating. Such a high rating confirms the effectiveness of the work of the city authorities to improve the innovation infrastructure. All the conditions for the development and growth of companies have been created in Moscow technoparks: the opportunity to create additional jobs and receive preferential loans and grants, attract investments and use comfortable co-working spaces, laboratories and conference rooms, find industry partners and present your projects to other residents,” said Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development of the City of Moscow Alexei Fursin.

The Association of Clusters, Technoparks and Special Economic Zones of Russia has been evaluating the effectiveness of technoparks since 2015. The target audience of the National Rating of Russian Technoparks is Russian investors, financial institutions, investment funds, development institutions, federal and regional executive authorities, regional business, the business and expert community.

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